Thursday, August 18, 2011


Good bye diet.
I used to HATE THIS. 

Good bye dear diet of mine. I will not miss you that much. I do appreciate how much you have helped me though. I am done dieting. Since school starts, and I will need to eat regular food, so I can have energy. I have never been so proud of myself in my life. I have accepted I won't look like no super model. I won't be a size 0. But I have accepted I look SO MUCH BETTER THEN I USED TOO, and I feel 100% better. Words can't describe how thankful I am for my family supporting me, and encouraging me. How thankful I am for my friends to accept me before I went on this "journey". Especially for my Heavenly Father, who gave me so much strength when I needed it most. A year ago if I would of told myself that with in a year I would loose 12 sizes, I would have died. I am overwhelmed with happiness and love, as I think about what self discipline I found, from within. 
Well, obviously I couldn't eat my favorite foods a lot with in this whole year, because I love junk. What is crazy is, since this diet, I have been craving the oddest foods. I know love Oat meal. The kind that is not cooked? Ew. I know. But it is so good to me know. I also craved orange popsicles, orange juice, and apple sauce. I used to hate all those foods before. As I blog I have poured a humungo glass of OJ and drinking it, and let me tell you I love this. The last time I tried Orange Juice was when I was like 8. Ew. Hated it then. Loved it now. I feel like a pregnant lady, having my weird cravings. All I'm saying is if you see my eat raw oatmeal, and drinking a huge glass of Orange Juice. Don't judge kk thanks.
Words can not begin to tell you my love for Ketchup. IT began since I was a baby.Ever since I could eat "regular food" I would just eat ketchup. I wouldn't eat any other food. Ketchup was my drink.(Ew. I know sounds gross). Ketchup was my meals, my snacks, everything. Well obviously that isn't the healthiest haha. So I was forced to eat all my foods in ketchup. I would eat broccoli with ketchup, mashed potatoes with ketchup, and especially with any meats. Well, this love for Ketchup has never gone away. I always need my Ketchup. I hate meat. I can some what tolerate it with pounds of ketchup lathered on top.This last year, I got rid of all the Ketchup and maby useed ketchup 3 times a month. On my splurge days. I have missed my Ketchup almost as much as I missed Chocolate. Today was the first time the whole summer I had ketchup, and omg I about died. As you can see I am loving Ketchup. I wonder if I will ever get sick of tis goodness. Doubt it.
Reunited with my KETCHUP.That's right.
Oh you know just bonding with my Ketchup, haha. Please do not notice my crazy bangs. It has looked liked this for about a week now. All of the sudden I woke up and my bangs went massively weird on me.

Haha. Random Ketchup Story for the day. Once upon a time I was on a date. I ordered a chicken sandwich and tator tots. Well.. I was picken on my food, and really couldn't eat it. Can you guess why? There was no Ketchup. I asked the waitress for some and she told me they were all out. Can you believe being all out of Ketchup???? No. Sooooo I didn't want to look stuck up, you know by not eating this wonderful food (if I had Ketchup mind you). So me being the polite girl I am haha, decided to try to force myself to eat it.  I really tried, but for the last 18 years, I have been putting ketchup on everything, so this time I couldn't get used to no Ketchup. ( Hope you loved that run on sentence as much as I did btw:)) Obviously, my date realized I was "forcing" myself to eat, and he knew something was up. I had to explain my awful addiction and love for Ketchup. Embarrassing... Well long story short, we boxed out food up. Went across the street to Mcdonalds, and I had unlimited Ketchup. I felt awful haha although  it was just another embarrassing moment of my life. Well there you have it. If you don't like your food, add ketchup and life will be great!

Ohh yeah, side note. I got all my books for school today. Yeah thats right.

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