Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Mama mia, here I go again.

*Honestly I don't think I have ever felt like more of a fatty. I have eaten out every day this week, plus Guess how many times I exercised? None. Yeah None. I have to be in a SLUMP or something right? Yeah I don' know but tomorrow I'm starting up my, diet/exercise fun. Hoping that goes well, or at least decent.

*Tomorrow, I don't have school thank heavens. I look forward to my Thursdays now so much. I rearranged my classes finally so I can leave school early Friday, and not go at all Thursday. So with this big weekend this week, I'm beginning to want to leave Utah for a bit. Like leave at 12:00 on Friday and come home Monday night-ish? That sounds so amazing. Maybe a short trip to Vegas? Yeah. This I have to reality check myself. I went on vacation exactly a month ago from today. This was a shocker, I swear it has been longer. Like 4 months. That is crazy. It hasn't even been 2 weeks of school, but I am need of vacation. Not desperate need yet... just in need. From 1-10. I'm a 4-5. I'm sure my numbers will be going up day by day haha. School is draining. I have never been more exhausted in my life. I get an average of 2 hours of sleep every night. I regret being an "over-wannabe-smart-achiever" and signing up for 2 math classes, and a computer class, along with 3 other stressful classes,especially it being my first semester and all.... I feel as if my head is 1 cm above water, and I am dog paddling my butt off to stay alive. Although, I am mastering getting the hang of all this. Some how it has all worked out, and gone "semi-smoothly"...... Thanks to God watching over me FOR SURE.

*Well that has been my last couple days. Wake up. Get ready. (I never get up when I want to so my mornings always end up going like this: Rush out of bed, quickly shower, throw hair up, put un-matching clothes on, drive as fast as I can so I won't be late for 30 minutes, then walk miles to my first class.) At this point I am panting like a dog, and yawning. I'm sure I look pretty hot, non the less. I go to my fun filed classes, get even more stressed out, then walk miles back to my car, where I speed home, to start on the fun homework I have. At this point my eyes are completely shut, so I am forced to take a nap. Then I eat some fatty foods, and study,prepare for tests, or do homework all night, sleep for 2 hours, and the cycle continues. Man the life of a college girl is rough...hahaha. Mama mia.

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