Sunday, July 24, 2011


Allie loves her cherry dress oh so much!
Yes, I know I am so obsessed with my Allieface, but honestly I can't help it.
I leave her in 2 hours to go to Vegas, and I am having the hardest time. Even though my family will be watching her, ughh, I know I am crazy but I will miss her for those 7 days. And let me tell you the feeling is mutual. When Allie saw my suitcases she zoomed off to "depressed mode". I had to take a picture of Allie, tonight before I leave so I can out her as my wallpaper and stair at her 24/7. 
Yes. I skype/facetime with my dog. Laugh all you want.
Hahaha, I felt quite odd/motherly like when I wrote my brother a To-Do list for my puppy. Here is what it consisted off.
-Wake Allie up before 2:00pm.
-Let Allie outside.
-make sure gates are shut.
-Give Allie water.
-Walk Allie around block
-Give Allie treat
-Comb Allie
-Make sure Allie doesn't have any hair in her eyes.
-Give Allie treat
-Put pajamas on Allie
-Put 4 furry blankets on my bed, time for Allie nap.
-1hr later.
-Wake Allie up.
-Give Allie Octi( her octopus toy, if she has him to much she gets tired of him hahah)
-Feed Allie dinner
-Put clothes on Allie
-Make sure you leave night light for her.
-Crack door.

hahahah, That was my amazing list. Yes, I do love it.
Allie, gets cold when she sleeps. She was born this way. Every day sfor the last 3 years, I have been dressing her up in baby clothes. And she is so adorable. She is 80% baby. 20%dog.
I'ma miss you Alliface.
Wish me luck.

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