I'm a big gal now...
you heard me.

Some how the "girl version" picture wouldn't post. But this is exactly how I felt when I got my diploma. I felt like the moment I shook hands with all those important people, it hit me. I have been waiting for "graduation day" for so long. That when it was over, I just wanted to run back to Davis and pretend I was an upcoming Sophomore.(Okay okay... I carried that to the next level but still.) Today and tomorrow I'm scheduling for my big girl college classes..EEEEEkaaak.
Some how the "girl version" picture wouldn't post. But this is exactly how I felt when I got my diploma. I felt like the moment I shook hands with all those important people, it hit me. I have been waiting for "graduation day" for so long. That when it was over, I just wanted to run back to Davis and pretend I was an upcoming Sophomore.(Okay okay... I carried that to the next level but still.) Today and tomorrow I'm scheduling for my big girl college classes..EEEEEkaaak.
I was laying down on the couch and my grandma came with a blanket to cover me up. I don't want those things ever to go away. I want my grandma to cover me up when I'm 30, I don't want these little things ever to end.Ever.
Ever since... last week, I feel like every night is a new party. Every night, is either completely busy, or completely busy.I haven't been able to go to sleep earlier then 3:30 am. Don't get me wrong, I adore summer nights. I love partying every night, I love meeting new people, I love reuniting with old friends. I love it all until....the next morning. I have been running on no energy these last couple days, it has been totally fine until today. I guess it really hasn't been as "perfect" as it sounds if I have to be honest with myself. It seems like every night I find out one of my friends, has been lying/deceiving, or just being fake towards me. When I find out about these pitiful "incidents", I usually just blow it off.. Then hang out with all my other friends.
Buuuut for real? Who has such a big ego? Who feels they can only hang out with a "certain group" of people. Who feels they can tell me who I can or can not hang out with. What kind of person can say that they are better then a group of people, and there for they can't be associated with them? The answer is someone who is fearful. Someone who cares too much. Someone who has obviously pathetically low self esteem.
It breaks my heart to loose a friend due to the fact they have the biggest ego ever, and will not associate themselves with "lower" people. I mean I'm sorry I have a variety of friends, that obviously you are not to fond of... But to put yourself above them every 3.5 seconds gets super old.
I apologize that was my "vent" session.
On a much happier note. My birthday is 10 days.10 days. 10 stinken days.It seems like just yesterday Julie threw me a suprise 17th party! This year, I can honestly say I don't know what I want, or what I want to do. At times I want to throw a HUGE BASH. Because it reality, this is my last "highschoolish birthday" but who knows. Any ideas anyone??? Someone asked me what I wanted to do today for my birthday, and I came up with 3 options.
-meet Oprah
-have Justin Bieber sing to me
-go on that flyey ride at Lagoon.
It reality choice 3 is my only option...Buuuut still I want the others to come true gosh darniiiit! I was at Lagoon a couple days ago and passed the "sky-coaster?"( I think that is what it is called) and it just hit me. I want to do it.. I mean I know its kinda dumb making such a big deal about it, but I just couldn't figure out for the life of me, why I never wanted to do that before. So I will blog later and let yall all know how much I loved it ")
ashley. i would happily do sky coaster with you. just let me know when and i'll be there! :) it's the best thing ever! have fun with it!!