I think it is SPRING TIME NOW!!!! Finally I think it is spring. Thank heavens. I mean for goodness sake's it's May 7th. I have been outside all day. Kylie and I went on a morning run. As pretty as it was outside, I think going to Crossroads is my cup of tea:) I would much rather do that darn elliptical then run up and down hills, IN THE HEAT, and early in the morning. So tomorrow, screw the run, and appreciate Crossroads. Then I decided my poor puppy Allie has been deprived from her summer walks.. so I went on a walk with her, where some stupid dog freaking tried to chase after us... causing us to run home. I mean RUN home. I went to babysit my 2 favorite little girls ever, and we went to this little pond and fed ducks. Theeeeen tonight I went on a fun date, to Layton park, and had a pic-nick and played games. Now you can believe me when I say I have been outside all day. I didn't have my camera all day, and my phone camera has been freezing on me all day so I didn't get a lot of pics. =///

This is one of the pictures I did get today, I think it is so pretty because you can see how SUNNY and bright it is. Yay, this picture makes me so excited for Summer!
I can't wait for shorts,tan lines,pools,staying up all night,Bonn fires, sitting out side all the time and relaxing every day!
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