Monday, May 2, 2011

"I'm just a simple girl, loving my life..The way one should"

Some how a full can of febreze fell all over my carpet in my room.
You would think this would be a decent smell to inhale.NO. It is beyond strong.
So my window is open and since Utah has physco weather, my room is colder then my freezer.

    You know those days where you just don't want to do a thing? But you seem to have a million things to do?Well.. That was my day, plus it's a Monday... So that makes it a million times harder. So I just realized that on May 10th, will mark the 1 yr to my "weight loss journey" I guess you can call it. Even though I haven't been dieting and exercising for a year (That would be crazy!)I have managed to have kept the weight off, and actually loose 13 more pounds from what I originally wanted to loose. As of today, I would have lost, 40 lbs, since May. I am beyond proud of myself, not for loosing it, but for having the discipline to keep it off. I want to loose 10 more lbs to be "satisfied" and 20 more lbs to be "thrilled".So I was reading some one's blog yesterday and they wrote 100 random/cool facts about them. So me being a copy cat decided to try this! So here it goes, Feel free to be a copy cat also:)

1. I have the LOUDEST yell ever.
2. 2 years ago I learned there was other music other then country music.
3.I'm addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper,then Diet Coke. I have at least 1 a day.
4.OPRAH, OPRAH,OPRAH. I'm proudly obsessed. I haven't missed watching a show since I was 9..
5.I have this "point system" For instance if you make me smile you get 1 point.haha. (I use it for EVERYTHING)
6.I despise wearing tennis shoes. I only wear them to work out,since I can't wear flip flops to exercise in.
7. I am deathly scared of a plain dark room with no light what so ever.
8. I used to be the biggest germ freak ever,I'm trying to do a little better.
9.Ne-Yo, Elliot Yamin,Michael Jackson, and Tim McGraw's voices are simply sexy.
10.Stray puppy's break my heart.
11.Squared off nails are my fave.
12.I have my own language, I say only half of words, or just say a word a totally new way.
13. I always wear earrings.
14.I dress my puppy up everyday.
15.I find "wanna be gangsters", so annoying, seriously decide if you want to be one or not!!!
16. I miss Missouri.
17. People judge me before they get to know me 99.9% of the time.
18.Sharks, snakes, and spiders PETRIFY me!
19.Khloe,Kim, and Kourtney Kardashian has to be the funniest girls ever on reality TV.
20.I am in love with Reality shows.
21.I order lemons in my drinks..but honestly have no idea why.
22. I have no nerves in my teeth.
23.I become obsessed with things super easy.
24. I have learned to kinda "enjoy" working out everyday.
25. I love wearing yellow. Although, yellow isn't even in my top 5 fave colors.
26. I always wished I knew how to sing and dance.
27. With in the last yr, I have tried my hardest to get the confidence, I always wished I had.
28. Sometimes I smile, because if I opened my mouth I would probably ball my eyes out.
29.I am actually really smart.
30. My voice sounds like a 4 yr old.
31. I hate "letting go" rather it be letting go of something that won't happen or a friendship that once was there.
32. My brother is awesome.
33.I can't whistle.
34.I have always hated rock climbing, and skating.
35. I always wondered what it would be like to have a "dad" that cared.
36.I never had sushi.
37. I could smell finger nail polish all day!!
38.I doodle all the time.
39. I love little children.
40. I am a pre-school teacher and nanny.
41. I love watching basketball, it's pathetic.
42. I love being tan. When i fake bake, I lay and hope I don't get skin cancer.
43.  I can't stand girls, who spend their whole life trying to get attention from guys.
44. I love people watching.Airports are the best.
45. My jeep gets drawn on like 3 times a month.
46. I say "like" alot...
47. I text my life away... literately.
48. Long eyelashes are great.
49. When I talk to people.. I always stare at their mouth..and come across as a creeper haha.
50. I proudly have the Bieber Fever.
51.Buckle is my favorite place to shop.
52.Taking pictures are my favorite.
53.Dr. Phil is the
54. I'm LDS:)
55. When ever I see someone walking, I honk at them.
56. Cheesy pick up lines crack me up.
57. I stay up all night.Seriously.
58. I wish everything was open 24/7.
59. I'm not a big fan of planing everything out.
60.I want another puppy.(Either a poodle or small pug)
61. Liars are my pet peeve.
62.I hate turning left at lights UNLESS there is a green arrow:]
63. I am a proud copy cat.
64. I enjoy talking to people I don't know.
66. I can tell you the calorie count to most foods.
67.Yoga pants, are a.m.a.z.i.n.g.
68.I can do whatever I set my mind too.
69. I can't stand people who get offended at everything.
70.I name everything.
71. I have no idea how to walk in snow.
72. Thinking about "100 facts about me" is terribly hard.
73. My car and house has been broken in too before.
74. I love just driving around..for the fun of it.
75. I am super good at multiplying by 9's..I have fun doing that haha.
76. I crack myself up daily.
77. sparkles..are simply my favorite.
78. I have an accent.
79. I always chew gum.
80. I get myself in messed up situations.. all the time.
81. I want to sky dive.
82. I love adventures... but I am the biggest scaredy cat.
83. I hate having the "sniffles"
84. Vegas is one of my favorite places.
85. People who make fun of "special needs" kids, are insane.
86. I spend at least 40 hours a week with children under the age of 5.
87. I wish people with dirty teeth...would understand how beautiful they would look with "clean" teeth.
88. I could wear my hair in a messy bun for the rest of my life.
89. I get in crazy moods where I can care less what anyone thinks of me.
90. My expressions are super obvious.
91.Ew. So not a Morning person..
92. I always have a fear of trusting people.
93. I LOVE vacations.
94. Normal people are boring.
95. My day is complete when I see rainbows.
96. Ohhh I love roller Coasters, and other thrill rides.
97. I have always loved EFY.
98. My mom is like the coolest, my grandparents inspire me.
99. I love to laugh.
100. I try to always be happy.
101. Did I mention I'm completely in love with Oprah??


  1. Ashley, seriously, I could probably read this every day of my life and not get bored. This is beautiful. And I want to be you. so funny. Your mom is the coolest.

  2. Haha. Kim your comments make my life.
