It's not a good sign when you can not think of a single thing to blog about,on your first entry. I'm going to give this "blogging adventure" a try. I always admired girls who could blog all the time, they actually inspired me to do this. Who could tell the world their feelings. Who didn't hold in their issues, who just shared them. I apologize now for not making any sense, spelling every other word wrong, rambling on and on about nothing, or just coming across nuts! I am an awful writer, and I am pretty much terrible about opening 100% up. So please wish me luck..alot of it.
This weekend has been amazing. From an amazing date,dinner with my mom,Lexi's birthday,and spending 8 hours in a car with amazing friends, and my puppy's birthday..I dont't know how it could of gotten much better. I am so blessed to know that I have friends that love me, family that loves me, and a God who loves me.
On Friday I went Lexi's birthday party. She is one of the little girls' that I babysit. She was so happy I was there. I had plans that night..and honestly I didn't want to go to her little party. It feels like all I do is nanny or work at the Child Care Center.Which gets DRAINING. So I was happy that Friday I didn't work or nanny. I had that whole night off. Did I mention I had amazing plans also?? was 6 the time her party started...I decided I wasn't going to go. At 6:15 I get a call, and it's Lexi, she was wanting to know if I was coming to her party. (There was no way I could say no..) So I said yes, and finally showed up.Well long story short.. She was beyond happy I was there.. she would show me off to all of her friends, and brag about me to everyone. It was the cutest thing. She had a "special goodie bag" just for me also. All Lexie did was smile. After the party, as I was telling this little girl bye, she said this to me," Ashy, I am so happy you came, Thank you SO much, you made my birthday special, I have been waiting for you to come to my birthday for 4 days now!" When she told me this it made everything a 100x better. Even though, I thought going to her birthday would be a waste of time, it ended up being a really special thing for her. I am so glad I could help make this little girls' birthday special!
This is Allie. She is my "puppy" Even though she is 4..and everyone thinks she is a grown dog not a puppy..She is like my most treasured item ever. Today was her birthday! I got her when she was 5 weeks old, and since then I fell in love with her.Yes, she gets dressed up every day and is one of the most spoiled dogs' out there.
This is King. He is my other doggy. My brother named him King King King...I think he has been a little insecure about his name. He doesn't act like a puppy so I call him doggy. I hope you see how this "language" is working?? King and Allie are twins:) He is my brothers' dog. King is a little "deprived" in my opinion..He doesn't get dressed up every day, or spoon fed. King isn't a spoiled dog,but I think deep down inside he gets a tad jealous..(= Happy Birthday King.
Ashley I love you!!! This is my favorite i'm going to read this every day. please. the end.