Monday, July 15, 2013

Pencil Skirts are not made for parks.

I was talking to my friend Rachel..she is truly the most adventurous person in the world. She is out in some part of Africa studying animals and sea land? Or something like that. Anyway, she is seriously the smartest girl ever. She keeps this amazing blog full of pictures and then writes all about her experience. She has been blogging for years, and is a total beast as it! She told me that she just copies and pastes her blogs into her journal! How cool is that? I seriously, was so shocked I never thought of that. 

Tomorrow is Monday. I think it is hilarious how much we all love our weekends. Every Sunday, I hear numerous times.."Ugh tomorrow is Monday.." Including me! I probably complain about Monday coming for at least half of my Sunday;)

I love Sundays! When I was younger Sunday was always dreaded. Sitting through 3 hours of church just seemed dreadful. Even though, I was pretty close to falling asleep today at church, it wasn't near as dreadful as when I was younger.

Churching it up with Claire is awkward/hilarious/and unforgettable all combined in one! I met this girl my Junior year in high school, and I adore her to death. It amazes me how she is single, yet alone not married. That girl is one heck of a catch! Boys' get' at' her'! So there is this guy I met not to long ago.. He wanted to go on a date but I have been so busy... he was leaving tonight, and Claire and I had a couple hours to kill after church. So I talked to him and we thought we would have a nice little date at the park? We doubled and it was lovely...besides the fact Claire and I booked it right after church to the park. Not mentioning it was burning outside, and we were wearing church clothes..Claire and I probably have doubled only about 5 times together. Seriously, 4 out of the 5 times have been activities at the park. We were troopers though, and pulled our hair up (hideous) and acted like our tight skits weren't as tight and as hot as they looked
PS: High waisted Pencil Skirts are NOT meant for parks.
Cheers to Picnics in Pencil Skirts Parking it up. 

After this burning up park date, I had a baptism to go to! Nothing like watching an adorable 8 year old boy you nannied for get baptized. I love that kid.
Happy Sunday! :)

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