Does perfect even exist? When I was a little girl, I remember I had my "perfect plans". I wanted all A's. I wanted to be the popular girl in school. I wanted the popular boyfriend. I wanted to be married at age 22. Kids at age 24. I had my "perfect plans" I thought.
When I started middle school and high school... I remember wanting the perfect body. I wanted the perfect hair. I wanted the perfect clothes. I wanted the perfect days. I wanted the perfect vacations. I wanted the perfect friends. I wanted the perfect life.
When I moved to Utah. I was in shock. The girls were skinny. The girls had long blond hair everywhere I looked! I saw the most attractive girls, with a full set of make up on working out. The girls woke up so early, and went to bed at a decent time. Most everyone was in a relationship. Everyone ran around with smiles on their faces. All these girls had a mom and a dad. They had tons of family so close by!These girls knew everything. They sewed, quilted, cooked, and did everything else humanely possible.
Like a lot of people may feel...I felt nonetheless inadequate. I did not feel "perfect." At this time in my life I felt as if I was beneath these girls. With all that being said I worked really hard last summer, trying to accept the fact that my life is not perfect. Through out the year
I have been trying to "accept the things I can not change".
With all that being said..
This last couple of weeks I have been so happy. The crazy thing is that these last couple weeks haven't been that great. I feel as if someone watched my life these last couple weeks.. They would be like "What the heck?" How have you been happy? These last 2 weeks weren't a big deal? But bare with me as I try to explain this. Throughout my life I have had my fair share of obstacles. I have had my fair share of nights where I would just cry myself to sleep. I have had my fair share of days I would envy other peoples' lives, and wish my life would be that "perfect". Well I have learned to love the life I was given. Sure I have plenty of crap I deal with, but to life is perfect. I am glad I have obstacles, I am glad my life isn't boring, (as much as some days I would love for their not to be.)
I think "perfect" is such a stupid word, everyone wants to look perfect. Feel perfect. Act perfect, and be perfect. I can't say I blame them? I want all those things as well. But, there is a line that people need to make? What is real? And what is perfect? Before learning about the world, I thought those sexy girls on the cover of Victoria Secret magazines really looked like that. I thought celebrities always looked like that as well. I had no idea all the "fakeness" that went into trying to look "perfect".
So I guess all I am trying to say is that my life isn't the ideal perfect, but it is perfect to me. These last couple of weeks haven't been so so great, but they have been great to me. Perfect in my opinion is how you view it. Knowing that "perfect" may not always exist was the start to actually turning my life into what is "perfect" for me. Sure I am not a size 0. Sure I get acne when I don't wash my face at night. Sure I can't cook a gourmet meal worth my life. Sure I can't sew, or play sports. Sure I don't have the "ideal" family, but honestly I wouldn't change a thing. My life is so perfect for me.
Soo shall we catch up on these last couple weeks through pictures?! Kapeesh.
The weather has been so great. So tanning with my doggie has definitely been happening..
Being out of school means some major family bonding times. Driving around with my grandpa on sunny afternoons are the best.
Photoboothing it up with my mommy have been going down..for hours. haha
Making this good looking fella smile for pictures have been happening quite a bit!
Watching movies at abnormal hours of the nights just completes every night.
So that sums up the last week or so..
On a side note.. These last couple weeks I have gotten atooon of comments from people reading my blog. How much it has "Helped them" "How real it is""Your life seems even crazier then mine" and everything else. When I first started blogging, I would read peoples' blogs and think "holy cow there life is so perfect"... I wasn't sure how I could even compete with their perfect life I guess. I debated on leaving my "crappy days" out of the blog. Obviously I decided to include the good, bad,and the ugly. When I first started blogging, the pure purpose was just to vent my feelings, and express myself so hearing all these positive comments just make my day! So to all of you guys reading my crazy "unperfect" blog, more power to ya :)
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