BeWaRe PaLs:
There are so many thoughts in my head right now.
Let me begin by this.
My week has been rather insane. By insane I mean: pressuring, scary,intense, terrifying, learning, special, and hard. I do not know where to begin, so good luck understanding.
My week was really hard for me. At the beginning of the week, I had a "scary moment" going on. I was scared for my own safety this week. I am a huge scraredy cat the way it is, so a real "scary" event, popping up in my life...really took a tole on me. With the comfort of Heavenly Father, I am feeling at peace, and I am grateful.Since the semester is nearing.. my professors have all gotten together and planned together, to give me the most amount of homework that they possibly can.Okay, I am sure they really haven't all gotton together, but HECK it sure feels like it. I have had more tests this week, homework, papers, and whatevertheheck else, then I have evereverever had. Well, I finally submitted my human development paper that was worth 50% of my grade. I'm feeling really good about this. Crossing my fingers here. I just wrote a 9 page paper on "what is your philosophy on life? Where do you see your self in 10 years from now and 20 years?" Weeeeel heeeeey there tough question. Any way, I finally finished this paper. I have never thought about things (Why you ask? Because my English teacher gives me a 15 minutes lecture every time I use the word "things", so I am practicing OKaY?) this deep before.Soo here is my thoughts on this topic, and life:
-Life is precious, it really truly is.
-Be proud of who you are, you don't have to be a size 2, you don't have to act a certain way, talk a certain way. Accept yourself.
-Be thankful. Take time out. Thank God.
-Embrace your future. Try not to be scared. Everything happends for a reason.
-People are put in your life for a reason. Your put in people's life for a purpose also.
This week has been so stressful, I have been at school from 9am-7pm every night. Then I get home at 9, then go to the gym from 9-10. from 10pm- 4am, I study. Then I sleep for 2.5 hours, and wake up to work out... then repeat. I have been GOGOGO. Today on the way to my Ogden the song "What if God was One of us" by Joan Osborne. It just really hits home. It makes you think. It makes you face reality. No need to mention I have listened to this song a good 85 times tonight.
Thats the link, I'm not sure how well I like the video but I adore the lyrics. If the youtube link doesn't work, make sure you look it up.
So there is my ranting for the night, Be happy.Love yourself. Accept yourself. Choose to love yourself, and choose to be happy.