I read some quote a couple days ago about being thankful for the small things in life. So yesterday and today I made a point to be happy for little things in my life.
Seriously, it was a pretty cool way to look at life.
So what I am recently thankful for?

This girl came to visit me! I love this girl more then she even knows. She makes me laugh my face off every 3 seconds. We always have weird-fun-crazy experiences happen to us. Plus she is a total babe. So thankful for her, and especially for or rapping sessions in the car. And our Olive Garden love'n.
This picture makes me smile. Today was my grandmas' birthday. You better believe we partied all day long. And did some saddle sitting at Texas Road House! She has the energy of a 16 year old and confidence better then anyone I know. She is a true example of selflessness and love. She is always willing to serve others and she is so kind! I love this woman so much, she is such a role model to me. Also, every time I see my grandma and grandpa together you can not deny for one moment the love they have for each other. I look forward to having that love one day.
Sorry for the blurry picture... But yeah you saw that right?! 19 credit hours and all A's. So glad another semester is checked off! Totally thankful for those grades, and the opportunity for a college degree.
Lastly, I went on a first date tonight. We went to the movies! In the middle of the show a rather large man got up to get a refile.. On his way back his HUGE drink fell and splattered... But guess what?! It barely missed me and landed on the ground. I am so glad that happened. I can not explain how awkward it would be walking out of the movie on this first date with water all on pants....:/
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