Sunday, April 7, 2013

Maxi Skirts & Emergency Room visits. Go figure.

"With every negative you need to start with a positive first" 

This concept is stressed to me every day in my Education Classes...;)

With that being said. Lets talk about a positive subject.

Ever since I was seriously so little, I enjoyed shopping. Loved shopping. Seriously, I love going to stores. Shopping is seriously MY therapy. It really makes me happy. What is better then being in a bad mood and then...seeing a flash of a bright pink shirt? Nothing. Or a mint green necklace? Seriously, People. I love it. 
I love shopping all around for the "best item" or better yet.. finding different articles of clothing, and putting them all together. Well this particular day I wanted to scout out the best maxi skirts. And what is better then having some retail therapy after a couple die hard stressful weeks? Nothing.

Now, this whole "Maxi Skirt Fad"here in Utah has been going on for some time now.  I totally thought they are adorable. But maybe not for me. Until.. I came across this Instagram picture of this adorable, I mean ADOOOORAAABBBLE MAXI. I became in love. Did my research. And contacted who sold them. It was a company that goes to peoples' houses. So I was off to some random woman's' house to check these Maxi's out. Ended up that they were the cutest skirts I have ever seen. so colorful and spring-yyy.  I bought 12. 12. Twelve. I really couldn't pick. I have a problem. A serious problem people.
After that I ended up buying some cute necklaces to go with them. Ate dinner at Olive Garden (Seriously, can not consume enough of their salad) and came home, feeling lucky and happy. 

Ps.....The company is called Honey and Lace.. I HIGHLY recommend them. Check them out.
Okay that is the positive.

So I walked in the front door (so happy from my shopping purchases/retail therapy) said hi to my crazy dogs jumping all over me...and began to go down the stairs... 
That's when IT happened. 
I somehow managed to fall down all the stairs. I had probably 12 full shopping bags in my hand and my ginormous purse on my shoulder... Well I ended up crying historically ( did I mention this was the only day I didn't put on my water proof mascara??) story of my life. My left arm was literally deformed curld up by my chest. 

Every time I would look at my arm I would want to throw up and cry more and more. I went to the Emergency Room where they told me my arm was " temporarily paralyzed" and HOPEFULLY in six weeks it would come out of it. They made me do all sorts of crazy arm movements...which hurt like crazy. They also said nothing else was wrong with my arm...weird.

       I knew that wasn't right. I went to an orthopedic doctor the next day and found out I fractured two bones in my wrist. Temporarily paralyzed my arm and the nerves that go from my armpit to my fingers was terribly bruised causing all these gross bruises up and down my arm. AND GET THIS the exercises the nurse in the emergency room was doing to my arm the night before did not help my arm... It HURT IT! Such a joke haha. Anyway I have this splint on my arm now. If my fracture is worse then I will need a cast for six weeks... did I mention I can't do my makeup/hair/ yet alone put pants on (good thing I bought all those skirts the night of the fall;)) hopefully I won't need a cast..
( My mom thought she was so funny taking pictures of my 2am emergency visit....:/)

 (The bones that are fractured are connected to the bottom of my thumb.. which calls for a weird cast.. You would be surprised how many people ask if my thumb was amputated. Awkward Conversation.. Let me tell you.)

I have had this stupid cast thing on for a week. It is crazy to me how people react to it. Like yes it is just a simple cast.. yet the way people treat me honestly cracks me up. But that is another blog post.....;)

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