Tuesday, July 24, 2012


The Truth..
The truth is so hard for me to accept. It's always been a huge struggle for me. When I was little and heard "the truth" that I didn't want to hear, I would just pretend it wasn't true. To this day..the truth is still extremely hard for me to hear, face, and especially admit. I was talking to a friend about how stressful this summer has been and something came up about how I struggle admitting the truth...She told me that in her journal, she writes down the "truths" she keeps inside, that she doesn't want to admit.

Lately, as I have been mentally keeping track of the "truths" I don't want to admit.. I have come to a conclusion that one of the "truths" that I struggle with is caring..

I seriously care so much for people. Whether I know you a whole lot, or if I hardly know you. But now, were just focusing on the people close to me. When you need something. I try 100% to help you. Sometimes, I feel as if it's not a two way street...and for years I  have tried to pretend that's not the "truth". Tonight, I realized that is the truth. So to all my fellow bloggers..what do you do in that case? Do you keep caring? Do you stop caring?Care less? Accept it's a one way street for the most part? I just don't get it.

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