I feel like whenever I sit down to blog. My mind goes from 1,235,999 topics to 0. How you ask? I don't know. My English teacher would problay say it is writers block.(Yeah, English Professor, I listened to you...)
Anything new in my life? Other then school... Well.. I supose, just a tad.
*I got a call saying my brother was in the Emergency room. Scared to death I drove to the hospital. Well.. Long story short he only had a ear infection, I guess those babies hurt?! Who would of thought a storng guy would think they were dying, all because of an ear infection.
* I hurt my eye..BAD. I was laying on the couch, and had a sheet over my face,( I do that when my face is cold haha okay? Don't judge) so my face is covered up. And my mom decided to poke my face to be funny I guess? But I don't know this mind you.. Well.. at the exact same time I lift my head up and her fingure goes right THROUGH MY EYE. Yeah you heard me. Well into the upper lid up, if that makes some gross sense. So needless to say I have a BLACK EYE, and a hundred blood vessels broken. Thank Goodness, I didn't go blind. My eye is throbbing, and looks like a total un-hott mess.
*I have lost 8lbs baby. Well... In the last 4 days! Yeah, I'm happy. Today was my cheat day, I may have splurged just a little because, my eye hurt and I needed mega comfort food. But so stinken what?
WELL, there you got some news.
"Boys? At WEber? Good luck honey, good luck."
Sooooo... college dating life. How is that going you ask?
Lets chat about it...
Sooo, after several weeks at college I have come to a conclusion.
There are several guys at Weber.
1.Engaged Boys.
2.Boys that are about to leave on their mishion, so why date?
4.Forign boys, that don't know English.
5. Crazy, Weird, Socially challenged Boys.
Nooo, seriously. I do not exaggerate when I talk about this. All guys at Weber fall into 5 categories above. Lets talk about only SOME (yes I mentioned some, since I have lists of awkward situations that has happened to me.) I will give a great example of why I think this for each classification;)
SITUATION #1: Well... Once upon a time I am walking to the HUB (Stupidest place on Campus mind you, man I hate it).. and some guy comes and asks if I need help finding some place, "Hm...man, I must look confused or something"<-- that was my thoughts haha. Well.. I said no... And then told him where I was going = BIG MISTAKE. So then he asks, what I am doing Thursday night, and asked if I wanted to grab a bite to eat with him. I said possibly we exchanged numbers, and walked our separate ways. 2 days later, I saw him at the book store, "Thumbing through some books", I glanced from over the other shelf, and BOOOOOM. I SAW A RING ON THAT FINGER. Like seriously? I texted him asking if he was engaged, and he said yes but things weren't going well... Probably because he is a cheater cheater pumpkin LOSER. So that takes care of classification 1.
CLASSIFICATION #2 Now we are at the first day of school. I get paired with an attractive guy for one of these (get to know each other fun projects haha) Well... Long story short, we had 40 questions to think of learn, and memorize about each other. Then we would stand up and talk about each other mentioning those 40 questions, w/o asking your partner for hints. Well myself, being brilliant thought "Lets do normal questions such as; Whats your favorite color? Favorite Animal? Middle name? ETC" Makes great since right? No. Not according to him!!! These were his questions. "How many baptisms for the dead do you think i will get on my mish? Where do you think I will get called? Who is my next friend returning home from their mish?" Okay no I am not even exaggerating. AT ALL. Don't get me wrong missions are important. I love returned missionaries, and I am all for that, BUT seriously? Please find the line and draw it! Soo, that takes care of Classification #2.
CLASSIFICATION:#3- This could of been the 3rd or so day of class. The setting Computer class. I am dumb with computers, All I know how to do it blog, facebook, youtube, and that is it. SO I asked this married man to my right for help. Thinking he is married I am not into him, so sure, why not ask him a question. I won't get picked up on, and I can concentrate on this class, instead of who is checking me out. Well.. he offered to "tutor me on Computers", I kindly declined, thinking oh that was nice. Well.. Then he asks "is it because I just don't want to pay to learn about something I hate?" I responded by saying, "Well thats a part of it..." He then decided to carry it to the 12th level and say... Well, I won't charge if I worked with you, I mean what is better then stairing at a drop dead beautiful HOTTIE. The man is married mind you... oh my gosh... Never sat by that cheating freak again.
CLASSIFICATION#4: There is a looooot of non American people at Weber. Sorry for my racial slurs coming up btw. Now, I have NOTHING wrong with people from other countries. They amaze me, their style of clothing,culture and everything. But communication is major for a friendship yet alone of relationship. Well. Once upon a day, I was minding my own business when I was lightly taped on the shoulder. I turn around thinking its one of my friends that go there... I mean strangers don't really usually tap someones shoulder like that right? Well at least I thought so.. I turn around and he is an "indian arab race" <-- racial slure alert. I know. Okay so taken off guard I may have jumped a little. 50% because I didn't know him, and 50% because he was practically on me. My bubble bursted and flew to heaven, or even farther he was so close... He muttered in half english half I don't know what language something? (FUN FACT:Well.. i have a huge talent of understanding people. Like I got the 2yr old talk mastered. the 3-10 year old children with speech problems figures out as well. I even mastered them New Yorkers accent's. The country accents. The hick accents. The ghetto talk, and the black crazy words they use. I mean it I got the "understanding people" down to T.) So not understanding him, means he was sooo hard to understand and his english was a good 1%..Well after five minutes of me nervously laughing, and running my hands through my hair, and saying "whaaaat whaat, sorry what?" He then took out his phone and texted and it translated it I guess into English. He wrote..."you are a beautiful girly. What do you think of me?" Talk about blunt. Now I am in a dilemma, I want to be nice even though he invaded my bubble, and mind you had a weird smell about him.. All I could do was put my thumb up, feel like a loser and sprint off in a hurry... Yeah...weird.
CLASSIFICATION #5: This is not meant to be bashing haha... Again I sat by this guy,in my math class now... We had to do another get together thing. So here I am trying to be friendly. He was the shy type I could tell. I am shy too when I don't know people. So I didn't think much of it. Well I would start asking him common questions, such as," What is your name?" Welll... after each question I would wait for a response. He would either say "Yeah about that" Or he would NOT SAY A THING, and just turn bright red. It was nuts. I am still recuperating, from trying to handle that situation...
SOO. As you can see I have had my fair share of guy issues at Weber. Honestly it gets to me. Why Weber? Why?Why? Every date I have been on since school has started either goes to UVU, U of U, or BYU? This brings me into issues. I mean, then maybe again am weird, but oh well. Soo this is my thinking. So these poor guys I date, drives almost 2 hrs through traffic... Well, like 90 minutes I exaggerated a tad, to see me. I feel so awful the whole time. When I get home at 1 am. They drive hours home..How awful. Understand? I feel awful. Although, I am so happy they did, because I haven't had any of these weird issues with those boys.....YET... kk joking.
So there are my feelings, love them all you want haha...:)
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