Christmas Break came and went!
It honestly feels like the break lasted a good 4 days. I was hoping to go to Vegas for Christmas and watch Shania perform...Unfortunately, that didn't happen. There is always Spring Break right? My fingers are crossed!
Soooo right before break I had to teach my final lesson for the 2 year old class. I taught "There was an old lady who swallowed a fly" The kids loved it. This semester once again, I fell in love with those kids. I am so thrilled to one day have a classroom of my own, and spend a year with the same students, instead of switching every semester! This semester I teach the 4 year olds! I'm way excited about teaching them, even though my 2 year olds were seriously adorable!
Sooo Mitch and I took our Natural Disaster Finals, and decided to kick off our Christmas Break and go to a Jazz Game! It was super fun! It was a complete last minute idea( like literately 10 minute prep time) so excuse my crazy/frizzy/physco hair in the picture!!
I am honestly so greatful for this guy. I struggle BIG TIME in Math, thankfully we had Math together this last semester. Mitch spent so much time throughout the year, trying to get me to understand math, especially the week before break for finals! He is so smart and great at math, which I'm totally jealous of! I am so glad he was such an amazing tutor, and thank heavens passed my math class! Since we were doing math for weeks on end...we didn't have time to watch all our my reality shows... So we celebrated and watched a tooon of all our my reality shows all night. It was great.
Okay, so if you are a girl reading this... you probably will know what I will mean. Call me crazy... But I always have all these cute ideas to do with my boyfriend around special times. Holidays especially. Maybe I am just completely cheesy, or crazy. Or a little of both haha. During the break, I thought we could cross a couple Christmas fun activities off the list! We went to Temple Square, to look at the lights. It was freezing! We ran into Mitch's brother, sister in law, and nephew which was pretty cool! After taking a million pictures in front of pretty lights (which I loved)... we then went to the amazing Olive Garden to finish up our date! I seriously love that place.
My friends were having a little cheesy Christmas Party, I love this picture of Lauren and I ( and my hilarious big Minie mouse bow!) I hardly ever see this girl any more!! So it's great to be reunited with her!
First off, Mitch and I have never really made ginger bread houses before... embarrassing. Yes I know. So like I mentioned would be so fun to do that together (since this is our first time, doing this "Christmas thing" together.) Mitch started off making a great ginger bread house...but his fell and broke, and before I got a picture, It was eaten! Right when the picture was about to be taken my roof caved in, and I was devastated! Worst timing ever! Thankfully, it's hardly noticeable through a picture! So this picture below is totally my product.... even though SOMEONE is claiming it as his as well ;)
Christmas was so fun! I was so excited to spend Christmas with Mitch and my fambam! My family opened presents that morning...and then I skyped with Julie for a bit! Then Mitch came over and we opened presents, and then we met my family for dinner, and then went to his house and watched some Christmas show! Okay this boy, spoiled me on Christmas. I seriously couldn't believe all the fun stuff I got. He somehow found out the girl who does my hair, tracked her down, and go me a gift card there! Also, I got a way nice ring...which I LOVE, and so much other stuff... I was the worst Christmas shopper for him...all he got was a million pairs of clothes, and cologne.. I could not think of anything other then clothes. My brian was dead.
On Christmas day my family went to.....wait for it... Denny's ;) No one wanted to cook, and that was the only place open, being such a last minute off we went to Denny's. My grandparents dress up for every holiday, so they HAD TO be Santa and an elf for Christmas! My Grandparents/Aunt/Uncle/Cousin/Cousin's Girl friend/ My brother/ Mom/ and Mitch all had Christmas Dinner together there. This is the first time I haven't seen Julie during Christmas in 19 years. I miss that crazy girl terribly. Here is a picture of my cute Grandparents!
My mom, brother, Uncle, and I went snowmobiling the following Saturday! I love Snowmobiling, but it also scares me way to much. The snow was ridiculously high, I thought I was going to die the whole ride, and yelled my brains out. That pretty much summed up my snowmobiling experience. 

Sooo since I misses my adorable girl friends, we all decided we needed to get together weekly and do dinner or something fun! This is our 4th week, and I love the idea. I think it is so nice to just chat about the craziest weirdest things. I am so thankful we do this now every week, and so thankful for these girls.

I also went down to Provo to see some friends for the day! These girls are such great examples to me. Tare and I met when I lived in Missouri, and came out to BYU. Mckenzie and Kelsey I met in Texas, and came to BYU and Janessa I met in Texas also, and lives in Sandy! It is crazy to me how we have all just kept in touch and live in the same state! It's always so fun reuniting with all these pretty girls! Most of these girls will be leaving pretty soon to serve the Lord! As much as I will miss their faces off while they are gone, I am so proud that they are doing what the think is best for them to do!
Mitch and I ended our break by watching the Jazz play! We went with his brother and his wife! It was
a fun time for sure!
Now it's time to somehow focus back on reality. Last semester I took 18 credits, and swore I would never do it again. Well this semester I somehow crazily decided to take 19 credits....Hopefully this crazy semester will all go fast! This is only week 2 and I feel like the semester should be over by now! So thats my break in a nutshell.
On a side note! One year ago from today was when I met Mitch!! I can go on and on about how thankful I am to have such a good example of a boyfriend! But, I'll save that for another blog post!
Also, I finally decided what grade I am going to be student teaching!.....Here we go.
Tomorrow is when I start! Wish me luck!